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Technological Innovation Fuels Sustainable Methanol Production in Portugal


6 August 2024

We are excited to announce that CAPWATT has awarded us a contract to provide Licensing and FEED for an innovative biomethanol synthesis plant set to be established in Mangualde, Portugal.

The facility aims to produce approximately 80,000 tonnes of sustainable methanol annually by converting local residual biomass waste and renewable hydrogen from electrolyzers. This renewable fuel will replace fossil fuels, significantly reducing carbon emissions and supporting the transition to cleaner energy sources and a circular economy.

The plant utilizes advanced thermochemical conversion processes for biomass waste, structured into three key process blocks:

  • Thermochemical Biomass Conversion: Utilizing Sumitomo SHI FW’s gasification and syngas cleaning technology to generate clean synthesis gas.
  • Gas Treatment: Ultra cleaning and adjusting the syngas while capturing CO2.
  • Methanol Synthesis: Converting the cleaned syngas, enriched with sustainable hydrogen, into methanol.

Casale has adapted its innovative BioFLEX methanol scheme to design the methanol synthesis section of the plant. Casale's scope includes the synthesis loop, distillation section, and storage facilities for crude and refined methanol.

This project marks a significant advancement in sustainable fuel production and underscores our commitment to harnessing technological innovation for environmental sustainability.


About Capwatt:

CAPWATT® Capwatt promotes integrated energy solutions, maximizing synergies between decentralized production, service delivery and energy trading, contributing to the sustainable energy paradigm. The group specializes in sustainable solutions to decarbonize energy consumption. Capwatt was founded in 2008 and is headquartered in Maia, Portugal.
It is present in Portugal, Spain, Italy and Mexico, has a broad portfolio of operational projects and is recognized as an independent energy producer.
Capwatt assumes responsibility for all activities inherent in the implementation of projects, from the development phase, licenses and investments, to the construction phase, asset management and operations. Its technological areas of operation are renewable fuels and energy solutions.